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Portable Solar Kits

Portable solar kits are smaller, more lightweight versions of solar power kits that are designed to be easily transported and set up in a temporary location. They typically include a small solar panel, a charge controller, and battery storage, along with wiring and connectors, the complete solar kits packed into a compact and travel-friendly package. Some may also include built-in inverters to provide AC power directly to electronic devices or small appliances.

These PV solar panel kits are sold in a package that makes them easy to assemble in off-grid solar systems, helping users avoid guesswork during installation. Hinergy carries a number of pre-designed power kits, each one designed to meet a customer’s specific needs. Whether the customer plans to install a power system on their home, RV, cabin, boat, or shed, Hinergy has exactly what they need.

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Founded in 2002, Hinergy has established a global network covering production, sales and service across more than 80 countries and regions worldwide.



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