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On Grid Solar Inverter

An on grid solar inverter, also known as a grid tied inverter, is a device that is used to convert the DC electricity generated by solar panels into AC electricity that can be used by homes or businesses. These inverters are designed to be used in conjunction with a utility power grid, which allows the homeowner to both use and sell any excess energy back to the grid.

Grid connected solar energy inverters are available in a range of sizes and capacities, including three (3) phase solar inverters, single phase solar inverters, and split-phase solar inverters. Some of the best solar inverters on the market feature MPPT technology and string inverter designs to help maximize energy efficiency and performance.

One of the main benefits of using an grid tie photovoltaic solar inverter is cost savings. By generating their electricity, homeowners can reduce their reliance on grid power and lower their energy bills. This also provides an eco-friendly way of using electricity, which supports the environment and reduces carbon footprint. On grid PV inverters are becoming increasingly popular as the cost of solar energy continues to decrease, and can be found from various manufacturers with a range of features and price points depending on the customer's requirements.

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