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PWM Charge Controller

A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) charge controller is a common type of charge controller used in solar power systems to regulate the amount of charge sent to the batteries from the solar panels. The main function of a PWM solar charge controller is to prevent overcharging and the gradual sulfation of the battery bank 12v/24v, which can lead to a reduction in 12/24 volt battery life and capacity.

The best PWM charge controller regulates the charging of the battery bank by monitoring the voltage of the battery and comparing it with the voltage output of the solar panel. When the voltage of the solar panel is higher than that of the battery, PWM solar controller adjusts the charge rate to match the battery's needs, which varies depending on its state-of-charge.

PWM charge controllers are relatively simple and inexpensive compared to MPPT solar charge controller. They are commonly used in small to medium-size off-grid solar power systems that use batteries for energy storage. However, PWM solar regulator can be less efficiency in extracting power from the solar panels compared to MPPT controllers, especially in low-light conditions.

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